LIVISTO standardizes sales planning with REMIRA TIA A3

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In the pharmaceutical industry in particular, far-sighted and strategic planning is of central importance.  This applies not only to human medicine, but also to veterinary pharmacists such as LIVISTO. The company opted for REMIRA TIA A3 for the health of thousands of livestock and pets. And thanks to forward-looking demand planning, it is always able to deliver.

The LIVISTO Group has been experiencing sustained international growth for more than 15 years. As a manufacturer and distributor of veterinary pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer of veterinary pharmaceuticals has set itself the goal of standardizing sales planning in all subsidiaries in order to further increase its ability to deliver and further increase its economic success. At the same time, LIVISTO wanted to reduce the high manual workload of this process as much as possible. With the implementation of TIA A3, LIVISTO therefore pursued a clear plan: “It was important to us that we carry out the sales forecast of group-wide external customer demand in a standardized way and make it available to all stakeholders in the group. This not only reduces out-of-stock situations, but also increases the inventory turnover rate in the warehouse. For this purpose, the system we were looking for had to be powerful and easy to access, run stably and minimize manual effort,” explains Kay Dorgeloh, Chief Commercial Officer at LIVISTO.

Standardizing sales planning across countries

LIVISTO Innenansicht Lager am Zentralstandort SendenWith more than 500 employees, LIVISTO is represented internationally in Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Russia, Panama, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic. As a result, standardizing the work processes at all the different company locations is a huge administrative effort that is almost impossible to achieve manually. Before the implementation of TIA A3, sales planning was only part of the business process at a few locations.
LIVISTO opted for TIA A3 due to the good cooperation with REMIRA in the area of inventory management in the parent company AGRAVIS. The system is already in use at numerous locations and ensures uniform sales planning. All important data is available transparently and across all departments. The high degree of automation allows employees to focus on value-adding activities and the management of exceptions. In the future, there are plans to use TIA A3 to create a group-wide data image that will further improve the forecast. LIVISTO is already planning the MTS (Make-to-Stock) area with TIA A3 and will soon include the MTO (Make-to-Order) area in the forecast. Employees are supported in their planning with precise forecasts. These allow the company to plan ahead on a rolling monthly basis and thus successively optimize customer service.

Photos: ©LIVISTO