Fast and easy stocktaking 


STATCONTROL Cloud uses certified statistical procedures that make inventory processes quick, easy, and safe. By replacing full inventory processes with cost-effective sampling procedures, the software reduces inventory effort by up to 99%! This not only saves time, but also ensures that the information collected is reliable compared to a full count. Try STATCONTROL Cloud today and experience a faster, safer, and more cost-effective way to manage your inventory! 


Reduce your stocktaking effort by up to 99 %!


Here is an example of how STATCONTROL Cloud works

Size of warehouse: 
30 000 storage places

150 000 €

Counting effort:
about 600 samples

Saving Potential:
120 000 €

Sample stocktaking for every operational situation

We understand that the annual and mandatory stocktaking can be quite a challenge for companies. It requires a lot of personnel and resources, often disrupts the company's workflow, and in worst case scenarios, leads to warehouses closing. With STATCONTROL Cloud, we use statistical methods to replace error-prone and costly full counts with streamlined and reliable sampling procedures. 

By using our software, your inventory efforts can be reduced by up to 99%, with a corresponding decrease in error rates and costs. Not only that, but the results are more reliable than with a full count. We have even developed new methods for inventory checks throughout the year to further optimize inventory processes. 

Objective inventory monitoring is crucial for process reliability and inventory optimization. Our software ensures that your inventory data is accurate, reliable, and easy to manage. Try it out today and see the difference for yourself! 

Girl taking inventory with iPad
"The previous complete inventory took two full days with ten employees. Now five colleagues can do it in five hours." Karsten Gaschnitz, Controller at

The benefits of our software systems

STATCONTROL Cloud is the software solution for easy inventory management in warehouses and stores.  

Up to 99 % less counting effort

 Count only a small part of your inventory and let STATCONTROL do the rest.

Reduced worktime

 Less effort in counting means that your employees have time to tackle other tasks.

Higher inventory quality

 Control counts throughout the year increase your inventory quality. 

A brief overview of STATCONTROL Cloud features 

Extrapolation processes

The software includes all four extrapolation methods. With permanent sampling it's possible to distribute the count over the entire fiscal year, integrating it into daily processes. Combining sequential testing with our software can also be useful.

Sequential test

STATCONTROL Cloud’s sequential test requires only 30 samples to do the stocktaking of an entire warehouse. Sequential testing is typically used in automated warehouses, high-bay warehouses, and areas with high inventory accuracy. However, sequential testing is being used in conventional warehouses more and more as current systems and processes in warehouse management lead to more reliable inventories.

Inventory reliability

The Warehouse Risk Profiler examines the inventory according to various factors and sets them in relation to each other. In addition to the value-oriented inventory, this creates an efficient system for risk-oriented inventory valuation. 


Mobile acquisition

Our complementary StaCol application is used to record and transfer count results using mobile devices such as tablets or phones, replacing traditional paper count lists. Additionally, counting errors can be detected directly at the shelf.


Do you need inventory consulting and services?

 In addition to our software solutions, we also offer consulting services for inventory, inventory control and inventory security. Benefit from our years of experience as an inventory service provider.  

Ostfriesische Teegesellschaft (OTG) Logo
"Our previous solution was hardly being enhanced by the provider and did not offer the necessary integration to SAP. That's why we chose REMIRA's inventory sampling systems." Karsten Rösener, Manager IT and Organisation at
Ostfriesische Teegesellschaft (OTG)

Want to know more?

Test our sample stocktaking software STATCONTROL Cloud now easily and free of charge!

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