Technology & Features


Features at a glance

Fast and interactive evaluation of themes, assortments, collections, designs or prototypes.

PRESET is characterized by its simple and intuitive operation when evaluating products. You can have individual items rated "Weak", "OK" or "Strong" by all participants, for example. Qualitative and quantitative feedback thus provides reliable data and identifies opportunities and potential in your portfolio.

Simple and qualitative reporting for immediate potential analysis

Feedback is collected in the central database, from which an online evaluation report is generated. This report shows how the prototypes or samples are perceived by the team and what the consensus is on the various items. It also shows the strengths and weaknesses of groups of products. The data can be downloaded for further processing.

Comment function for specific feedback

PRESET provides the ability to enter comments for personal use or to provide general feedback to the central organization. Pictures taken during presentations or "on the fly" can be easily added to the prototype.

Dynamic cluster view for quick evaluation

The immediate and rational presentation in PRESET facilitates to agree on what steps should be taken. Thus, the next activities (i.e. selection of vendor samples) or phase (i.e. start of the selling season) can be started with an optimal and successful collection.

High data security on European servers

All data run on secure, European servers and offers maximum data security.

Worldwide collaboration through cloud functionality

Whether it is on- or offline: Through cloud functionality, PRESET enables easy collaboration between all teams worldwide for improved communication. All participants are informed about designs and products in real time. 

Simple administration enables quick start

Administration is simple, fast and intuitive via the web interface. The PRESET app is available everywhere in the app store. This means PRESET can be used directly.

Interfaces to other REMIRA software solutions

PRESET can be easily connected via interfaces to our inventory management software LOGOMATE or to the S&OP software TIA A3, enabling better sales forecasts and optimal replenishment for your entire product range.

Want to know more?

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