
NEW: Read Practical Guide for 3PL now for free

Practical Guide:   Warehouse Management for Logistics Service Providers 

Pure transport management? That was a long time ago. Freight forwarders and logistics service providers have to manage more and more complex tasks. The contract logistics market is growing and the demands, especially on IT and specifically on your warehouse management, are constantly increasing.

With our whitepaper, we would like to give Third Party Logistics Providers tips on setting up and selecting the optimal warehouse management system.

Read the whitepaper "Warehouse Management for Logistics Service Providers" now for free.

In the free white paper you will receive...

  • an overview of what freight forwarders and logistics service providers need to do to grow their contract logistics business,
  • tips on choosing the right WMS for your business as a contact logistics provider,
  • a checklist for the introduction of a warehouse management software,
  • an application example from the practice of a forwarding company that has developed into a contract logistics provider.

What are the requirements for modern logistics service providers in your warehouse and IT?

When do I need a full-fledged warehouse management system?

How did other companies developed their contract logistics business with their WMS?

What do I need to consider when selecting the appropriate WMS?