Omni­channel Commerce Software

All touchpoints of the customer journey at a glance with our software solutions: Sell where people buy. Without media disruption. With a single source of truth. Online and in stationary retail.

Must-have features for omnichannel commerce software

For omnichannel commerce software to work, numerous technical processes must be intertwined in the background. These processes form the backbone of any successful omnichannel initiative by ensuring a solid and integrated technical infrastructure that minimizes errors and communication breaks while significantly reducing manual effort.

Such infrastructure enables companies to provide a consistent and seamless customer experience across all channels, which is essential in today's digital landscape. To achieve this, companies need to invest in technology that enables efficient data integration and management so that information can be shared in real time between the different channels. This includes powerful CRM systems, advanced analytics tools, digital POS systems and robust e-commerce platforms that work together to create a unified picture of the customer. It also requires an agile and scalable IT infrastructure that can quickly adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs.

Only through the close integration of these technical processes can companies create a true omnichannel experience that not only increases customer satisfaction and loyalty, but also opens up new business opportunities.

Glossary omnichannel commerce
  • Control of third-party suppliers, shipping service providers and payment service providers. A high level of interface expertise (API, EDI, XML, CSV) is required here.
  • Integration of different sales channels, such as online store, app, marketplace and social media. These have different demands on integration, preparation of product master data, return management, payment, etc.
  • Continuous updates of all stock levels on all sales channels
  • Processing of different payment methods including partial payments, automated processes for handling credit notes
  • Management of shipping options, e.g. shipping from the main warehouse, via drop shippers or external logistics providers, ship from store or click & collect
  • Enabling various return options such as postal shipping or return to the store
  • Integration of or data exchange with inventory systems such as ERP, financial accounting, PIM, logistics and CRM that are not designed for e-commerce processes
  • Answering customer inquiries and creating tickets across all sales channels and dispatch warehouses

Successful omnichannel management with our solutions

POS check-out

REMIRA POS check-out optimizes and accelerates checkout processes. All information is updated in real time across all checkouts and locations. In addition, the system enables detailed analysis of all checkout transactions, providing insights into the purchasing behavior of your customers and the performance of the products. This data is essential to make informed business decisions and continuously optimize sales strategies.


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RETAIL - Merchandise Management

Our merchandise management software enables the optimal management of your stores and is the basis for your omnichannel commerce process. Regardless of whether you are a large chain or a small business with two stores: We deliver the right solution and thus provide support in sales, purchasing, controlling and merchandise management. This allows you to work efficiently and focus entirely on your customers.

Mitarbeiterin in einer Filiale mit Tablet vor Kleiderständer @bernardbodo_unbearbeitet

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Sales & Operations Planning

REMIRA S&OP supports you in all phases of product management with precise sales planning and forecasts. With REMIRA S&OP you can integrate your sales side into demand planning. This allows you to increase the sales success of your products and optimize your planning and the entire procurement process— even in industries with fast-moving products.

MaleandFemaleWarehouseInventoryManagersTalkingUsingPersonalComputerandCheckingStock.IntheBackgroundRowsofShelvesFullofCardboardBoxPackages. (1)

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Order Management

Manage order processing efficiently: In the fast-moving world of e-commerce, customers expect high availability and fast deliveries. Companies are best supported by an order management system that ensures that orders are processed efficiently and quickly, business processes are improved and customer satisfaction is increased.

Order Management Pakete Warenband @valdisskudre -

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Mobile INSTORE App

With the INSTORE App, you can implement omnichannel, mobile checkout and inventory directly on the shop floor. As a digital assistant in the store, the all-in-one tool quickly becomes irreplaceable for staff, as it combines checkout, omnichannel functions and store management in one system — both in the back office and on the shop floor. Stock transfers or shipping can also be initiated directly from the application.


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PAYMENT Services

A payment solution can be this simple, fast and transparent: With REMIRA PAYMENT, you get an integrated solution that maps stationary card payment traffic at the point of sale and in online retail. In addition to all common payment methods, payment providers such as PayPal, Klarna and other providers can also be integrated. With PAYMENT, retailers can combine the service for checkouts, stationary payments and eCommerce payment transactions.

PAYMENT Bezahlvorgang POS @jackfrog -

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Successful omnichannel users

Omnichannel commerce software solutions with a special focus on the following industries

Shopping cart retail Retail@monticellllo -



Software for the retail industry:

IBP and S&OP
Omnichannel Commerce
Supplier Collaboration
Order Management

Employee in warehouse wholesale Warehouse dark @pressmaster -



Software for the wholesale industry:

IBP and S&OP
Omnichannel Commerce
Supplier Management
Order Management

Sofa Furniture Deco dark@FollowTheFlow -


Furniture &

Software for furniture & decoration:
Onmichannel Commerce
Order Management
Couple in the DIY store DIY dark@Nomad_Soul -


Building materials &

Software for building materials & DIY:
Omnichannel Commerce
Supplier Collaboration
Order Management
Fashion clothes clothes rack dark @beeboys -

Fashion &

Software for fashion & shoes:
Omnichannel Commerce
Order Management
Tennis Tennis racket Sport dark @ivanko80 -


Sports &

Software for sports & games:
Sales Forecast
Omnichannel Commerce
Supplier Management
Order Management
Elektronik @Ievgen Tytarenko -



Software for electronics:

IBP and S&OP
Omnichannel Commerce
Supplier Collaboration
Order Management

Frau mit Laptop auf Veranda Lifestyle black @olezzo -



Software for the lifestyle industry:

IBP and S&OP
Omnichannel Commerce
Supplier Collaboration
Order Management

What our satisfied customers say

Colleagues in conversation Business Meeting - (1)

Curious about our omnichannel commerce software solution?

We would be happy to show you free of charge and without obligation what our software solutions can do, which solution best suits your company and answer all your questions. We look forward to getting to know you and your company!