Software for sample stocktaking - inventory simplification with legally approved procedure

Reduce your inventory effort by 95%

Are you facing the annual challenge of taking inventory?
We show you ...

  • how you only have to count 5% of your stock with our software, 
  • how this results in significantly less time, personnel and cost expenditure for you,
  • why sample stocktaking leads to a higher inventory quality,
  • and explain the legal basis of our software solution, which has been certified by PwC.

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Learn how you can significantly reduce your inventory effort with our software solution.


Size of warehouse: 
30 000 storage places

150 000 € 1

Counting Effort:
About 600 samples

Saving Potential:
120 000 €

(1)Experience values usually between 5 to 11€ per storage place. Takes into account working time of the counting team, inventory pre- and post-processing and post-counting effort. Without taking into account warehouse closing times or production downtimes.

Your benefits with REMIRA STATCONTROL

REMIRA STATCONTROL is your software solution for an easy inventory in warehouse and store. Benefit from our legally recognized and PwC-tested inventory software.

95% less counting effort

Count only a small part of your inventory and let STATCONTROL do the work.

Significant reduction of personnel expenses

Less effort means less personnel requirements. So your employees have time for value-adding processes.

Higher inventory quality

Use the resources also for control counts during the year and thus increase your inventory quality.

"The previous full inventory took two full days with ten employees. Now five colleagues can do it in five hours." Karsten Gaschnitz, responsible for inventory at ZIEHL-ABEGG SE.
"We've leveraged great potential with STATCONTROL and now work much faster on inventories with significantly fewer people." Customer manager Markus Obergassel, Business Unit Arvato Hightech Mobile Network Operator
A saving of approx. 60% was achieved in the time factor and approx. 75% in the costs for the active execution of an inventory." Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm Houben, responsible in the business unit material management at KIESEL

How can you save 95% on inventory costs and increase inventory quality at the same time? 


Inventory calls annually and costs time, personnel and money

Due to the legal basis, the inventory is mandatory to record the current assets. When the annual inventory is carried out, it often results in warehouse closures and the tying up of large numbers of personnel resources. In addition, the counting of many items by a large number of people inevitably leads to errors, as work is carried out under time pressure. Often, incorrect differences first end up in the inventory-managing system. The inventory quality suffers.

With our legally permitted software you achieve...

  • a lower counting volume,
  • less manpower requirements,
  • the avoidance of incorrect bookings,
  • a higher process reliability,
  • a continuous monitoring of inventory security.