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S&OP (3)

Northwave buildin from the outside

Northwave introduces Sales & Operations Planning with REMIRA TIA A3

The Italian sportswear brand Northwave has opted for the intelligent sales & operations planning tool REMIRA TIA A3. In the future, the de-mand and supply planning in the development and distribution of high-quality bike and snowboard shoes and clothing will be optimized with the help of the AI software solution in order to further increase the ser-vice level for customers.

Stina Berghaus at April 27 2021
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Westland Kaas Groep b.v. selects Outperform

After an in depth evaluation Outperform was selected to provide a solution for the operational and medium term planning at Westland Kaas Groep b.v., well known for their premium brands such as Maaslander and Old Amsterdam. The planning challenge involves forecasting the demand for packed cheese at multiple levels and then turning this into a cheese packing and raw cheese purchasing plan.

Stina Berghaus at January 24 2020
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