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Two coworkers from medac in the warehouse

Sample stocktaking with SaaS solution is a recipe for success for pharmaceutical company medac

In the pharmaceutical industry, the legal requirements for stocktaking are particularly strict: there must be no deviations in the stocks of medicines. The company medac, based in Wedel near Hamburg, has therefore opted for statistically validated sample stocktaking with REMIRA's STATCONTROL Cloud software and is highly satisfied with the results. With an inventory of around 105,000 containers, only 53 samples had to be taken and counted.  

Stina Berghaus at September 9 2024
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The LIVISTO administration building at the central location in Senden

LIVISTO standardizes sales planning with REMIRA TIA A3

In the pharmaceutical industry in particular, far-sighted and strategic planning is of central importance.  This applies not only to human medicine, but also to veterinary pharmacists such as LIVISTO. The company opted for REMIRA TIA A3 for the health of thousands of livestock and pets. And thanks to forward-looking demand planning, it is always able to deliver.

Stina Berghaus at February 20 2023
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medac headquarters in Wedel

medac GmbH introduces sample stocktaking with REMIRA STATCONTROL

Counting only 50 items instead of 500: The globally active German pharmaceutical company medac GmbH successfully carried out its first sample stocktaking service with REMIRA STATCONTROL in March. medac is the only German pharmaceutical company to offer both therapeutics and diagnostics from its own development and production. In their search for certified inventory software, those responsible at medac came across STATCONTROL.

Stina Berghaus at July 21 2022
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