How RTV EURO AGD is successfully planning with REMIRA LOGOMATE

Written by Stina Berghaus | Jun 6, 2023 7:45:00 AM

Over 24,000 products in almost 330 stores: The product range of RTV EURO AGD, the Polish market leader for consumer electronics, is huge. The Polish retailer relies on REMIRA LOGOMATE for inventory management in order to reduce and simultaneously optimize the resulting planning effort.

RTV EURO AGD has been the leading provider of electronics and household appliances in Poland for years. In addition to its brick-and-mortar stores in over 200 locations, the retailer also sells its products in its own online store. The company is also one of the largest retail partners in Poland for companies such as Samsung, Philips, Sony, Bosch, LG and Siemens. RTV EURO AGD's central warehouse is supplied by several hundred suppliers and has a total storage area of more than 100,000 m². The number of active items in store delivery planning is around 5,000.

Previously, RTV EURO AGD used a scheduling system with old technology. However, this approach only served its purpose up to a certain point in the company's development. As the product range grew, the system no longer met the increasing requirements. Rafał Gąska, Supply Chain Director at RTV EURO AGD, still remembers the problems that arose: “The volume of data increased so much that the system became unstable. Our performance suffered as a result. In addition, the system was not further developed by the provider and the user configuration was very limited. Overly simple calculation mechanisms did not allow us to process the orders to the extent we wanted.”

REMIRA supports modern business processes

The lack of stability of the old system prompted RTV EURO AGD to look for a special solution - preferably a tool that already had a large number of solutions that met the retailer's requirements. The requirements were high and the path to the final decision was correspondingly long. At the last attempt, there was a tender, which REMIRA was able to win with a comprehensive concept in LOGOMATE and the consideration of the customer's special requests. The inventory management software ensures optimal stock levels for large and small companies in all sectors, while at the same time increasing delivery capability and facilitating day-to-day planning work and store replenishment. According to Rafał Gąska, RTV EURO AGD opted for REMIRA for two reasons:

“Firstly, in REMIRA we have found a partner that is well established on the market, has a lot of experience and at the same time focuses on the development of its products. Secondly, the system already contains certain solutions as standard that meet our most important requirements, such as forecasting methods, seasonality and the longest possible forecasting and planning horizon.”

RTV EURO AGD attaches great importance to state-of-the-art processes. Within Polish metropolitan areas, for example, brown and white goods are delivered within 24 hours, including the connection and disposal of old appliances. Since October 2021, the Polish retailer has been using the LOGOMATE scheduling software as its main planning tool to optimize the supply chain. It is used to optimally control and distribute the flow of goods within the company's own logistics network. Among other things, LOGOMATE organizes optimal replenishment from the central warehouse via the regional warehouse to the stores. The orders of all distribution units, which include the central warehouse, HUBs and branches, are configured precisely according to the company's needs, taking into account a number of individual requirements. In addition, RTV EURO AGD receives reports from which optimization potentials for the quality and clarity of all measures can be identified.

Significant improvement in replenishment quality

RTV EURO AGD has now been using REMIRA's inventory management software for over a year and a half and is more than satisfied. The tool is now used in a variety of situations that were not even foreseen during the implementation phase. Many of the standard functions can be used directly. Other features have been specially adapted to the requirements of RTV EURO AGD, from which the retailer benefits significantly, as Rafał Gąska reports: “By adapting the tool to our needs, the work routine in replenishment remained unchanged - but LOGOMATE fulfills all tasks comprehensively, which is reflected not only in the replenishment quality, but also in the processing time. Another important element of the Auto-Dispo solution is the simple configuration at various levels, which is a very important factor given the wide variety of our product range.”

The implementation phase of the project took place in the middle of the coronavirus period and was therefore subject to numerous challenges. For example, most of the meetings could only take place remotely. Thanks to the good and open cooperation, the complex requirements that the business environment of RTV EURO AGD entails could also be successfully implemented and mapped.

With the easing of the coronavirus measures, the introductory project was successfully completed at a joint meeting in Warsaw:

“Despite the turbulent times, we could always count on the professionalism of the REMIRA employees. After about two years of cooperation, I can say that the REMIRA team not only knows their system comprehensively and professionally, but also understands new problems with a lot of patience, answers questions and also helps us find the best solutions.”

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