Fynch-Hatton reduces stocktaking costs by more than 99% with REMIRA

Written by Stina Berghaus | Sep 6, 2023 7:15:00 AM

Fashion and lifestyle brand Fynch-Hatton has been relying on REMIRA for its stocktaking since spring this year - with success: stocktaking has been reduced from one week to half a day. The company from Mönchengladbach, which stands for modern casual wear in premium quality, is replacing the time-consuming full inventory from previous years with the STATCONTROL Cloud inventory sampling solution.

Previously, Fynch-Hatton, whose clothing can be purchased in around 55 countries and in the online store, carried out a full inventory in the warehouse in Mönchengladbach once a year, which involved a great deal of logistics and time each time. The warehouse had to be closed for an entire week and at least 20 people were busy counting around 23,000 storage spaces. Fynch-Hatton supplies retailers and department store chains worldwide - optimizing stocktaking was therefore a logical step to make internal processes faster and more value-adding.

Stocktaking completed in half a day

Fynch-Hatton, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, was already using the REMIRA RETAIL inventory management system. It therefore made sense to rely on the software provider from Dortmund for the stocktaking. After a meeting with the person responsible for stocktaking at REMIRA in November last year, Fynch-Hatton was quickly convinced by the promised significant reduction in stock closing time, personnel requirements and general effort. STATCONTROL Cloud was commissioned in mid-December and implemented directly in the warehouse in Mönchengladbach in March.

“The stocktaking went completely smoothly, we deployed five teams of two employees each, who only had to count 30 items each - that corresponds to a counting effort of less than one percent. After just half a day, including all the preparation and follow-up work, we were done - in contrast to a week in previous years,”

explains Patrick Lamertz, Head of Supply Chain at Fynch-Hatton, with satisfaction.

Simple and user-friendly to use

Feedback from employees on the use of STATCONTROL Cloud was also consistently positive, as the SaaS solution for sample stocktaking is extremely easy to use and implement. After initial registration and setting up the necessary users, the system is ready to go in just ten minutes. An integrated step-by-step guide leads the user from the initial registration to the selection of the appropriate procedure and the stocktaking itself. Fynch-Hatton also used the REMIRA counting app in conjunction with STATCONTROL Cloud. The count could therefore be easily carried out directly on tablets.

Patrick Lamertz was also very impressed by the application:

“The very simple and user-friendly operation of the system, the easy go-live thanks to the CSV export and the considerable strategic advantage clearly speak in favor of STATCONTROL Cloud. The cooperation with REMIRA was also excellent from our point of view; communication and implementation were uncomplicated, direct and problem-free. We are now much more relaxed about the next stocktaking.”


Interested in our sample stocktaking software?

Photos: © Fynch-Hatton