ARNO GmbH reduces stocktaking effort with REMIRA cloud solution by 90 %

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ARNO GmbH has significantly optimized its stocktaking processes by using the cloud solution for sample stocktaking of REMIRA. Following the successful introduction last year, the family-owned company continues to rely on the powerful software to reduce the previously very high stocktaking costs and increase the efficiency of its business processes.

With almost 90 years of experience in retail and in-depth expertise in the presentation of goods, ARNO GmbH develops holistic solutions for the design and implementation of brand staging at the point of experience in a wide range of sectors, from cosmetics to the automotive industry. The family-owned company employs over 140 people and is represented internationally with several branches. ARNO supports its customers worldwide from the initial customer inquiry through design and prototype construction to series production and assembly of displays, shop-in-shop systems and shopfitting concepts.

From conventional full stocktaking to modern sampling solution

Until a year ago, ARNO GmbH carried out a time-consuming full stocktaking in which 10,000 to 15,000 items were recorded - a process that kept 40 employees busy for a week.

"By switching to the cloud solution for sample stocktaking, the counting effort was reduced by around 90 %. Now only 500 to 600 items need to be counted, which takes half a day and a team of ten people. We were surprised by how quickly and efficiently the sample stocktaking was carried out,"

explains Felix Spazierer, Head of Production and Logistics at ARNO GmbH. He became aware of the Dortmund-based software developer REMIRA through an article on sample stocktaking in a logistics trade journal.

Mitarbeitende aus der ARNO Logistikabteilung bei einer Besprechung am Whiteboard.This initiated the switch to software-supported sample stocktaking and the solution was introduced within a very short time. The software has already been used at two locations, the central warehouse in Wolfschlugen and the warehouse in Leinfelden-Echterdingen. ARNO also relies on the digital REMIRA counting app, which was used to carry out the count via a mobile device. The stocktaking itself was then carried out entirely via the REMIRA software, which sent the determined actual status to the ERP system in the final step. Coordination with the auditor also went smoothly.

Stocktaking redefined: Independent and fully digital

Connecting the stocktaking cloud solution to the existing ERP systems enabled seamless integration and smooth handling of the entire stocktaking process.

"The time savings and efficiency gains are enormous. We can now cover the whole stocktaking process with our own staff in the shortest possible time and no longer have to rely on external support,"

says Spazierer. For the future, ARNO is planning further training by REMIRA in order to further optimize the use of the software.

Photos: © ARNO Group

Up to 99% less counting effort during stocktaking?

We'll show you how! If you are interested in sample stocktaking or are still unsure whether it is suitable for your company, we will be happy to help you without obligation and answer all your questions.

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