Numerous companies benefit from a optimized product portfolio thanks to PRESET

What our customers say

PRESET supports companies from all industries all over the world in their collection development. Numerous customers have already integrated PRESET into their companies and have benefited for many years from improved forecasts, strong collections and increased competitiveness.



"PRESET made it possible to combine digitalization of the collection book and delivering a modern and very efficient way for our sales force and partners to give feedback and ask questions on all collection items during the sales conference. Everybody was directly familiar with the functionality of the system and no training was needed. Because of the high time pressure and busy program of collection launches, it is also essential that the system is fast and without technical issues. The stability and ease of use contributed highly to the immediate acceptance by all the fifty users who all indicated it is also fun to work with PRESET. Already during the feedback process, we can start analyzing the ratings and remarks using the ABC, consensus and rating report. It immediately signalizes the acceptance of and differences of opinion on the items in the different markets. It helps us to determine if product briefings came across and to react on unexpected comments. Working in the cloud and on iPad, PRESET also enabled us to get feedback in a fast and qualitative way during COVID-19 times."


"PRESET is used prior and during sales conference by country managers around the globe. Each country manager together with respective sales team enters an estimation of potential sales quantity for their market. They can immediately compare their product estimates with sales target and margin objectives. This gives a great support as a first planning figure/forecast. The automatically calculated ABC analysis helps to determine the optimal collection size. The blind estimates of salespeople are also compared to the initial estimate of Category managers and evaluated against actual order intake during pre-order period. The philosophy and functionality of PRESET helped us to move in the right direction of digitalization."



"PRESET is used globally and the input from sales teams, distributors and own retail is gathered and evaluated in both EMEA organization and the Headquarters in USA. Each country and regional sales team has the latest and up to date collection information and give their feedback on each item. During COVID-19 period, all this could be done fully remotely. Under normal circumstances, the feedback is given during the sales conferences while products are presented and discussed. The central storage of all data and the real time processing of feedback with the digital tool Preset, made it possible to shorten the sales conference with one day. Apart from being able to quickly determine drops and necessary collection changes, TOMS especially checks the acceptation by the multiple sales channels of designated marketing styles."

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