To further expand this market and delivery service processes in the group of demand planning and disposition were analysed with help of the firm consultants Contesto. Specialised software for further improvements was being searched for. TIA A3 was selected after comprehensive market observation. The new release of TIA A3 added the leading SAP-System of Intersport in order of demand planning and disposition. The dispo-team has a great benefit from automatically issued forecasts for NOS-Ware as well as for the seasonal assortement. In daily business demand quantities can be analysed and sales figures can be controlled by mouse click. In this way market-oriented and optimized order proposals can be made at an early stage. A strategic turnover planning completes the demand planning process from disposition to order as well as the computed size keys. After all the measures were implemented Intersport the foundation was set with the help of TIA A3 to avoid short sellings and to improve the availability of goods.