STATCONTROL Cloud at Centrotherm Systemtechnik GmbH

Centrotherm: Warehouse closure shortens from four to one day during stocktaking

Centrotherm Systemtechnik GmbH

Centrotherm Systemtechnik GmbH was founded in 1994 and has its headquarters in Brilon, Germany. Centrotherm is represented by its own subsidiaries in all core EU countries as well as in the USA and China and currently provides jobs for approx. 235 employees at the Brilon site. Centrotherm Systemtechnik GmbH is a subsidiary of CENTROTEC SE and, together with its Dutch sister Ubbink, forms the Ubbink Centrotherm Group, which, along with other companies, is assigned to the CENTROTEC Industries segment. The company develops and manufactures, among other things, innovative plastic gas flue systems for condensing boiler technology that are unique in Europe. The product range also includes stainless steel solutions and products for the ventilation and automotive industry.

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Completing the entire stocktaking in just one shift: Centrotherm from Brilon, known as a developer, manufacturer and distributor of gas flue systems for condensing boilers, has already relied on sample stocktaking in the past. With REMIRA, however, Centrotherm was able to reduce the counting effort even further: Their SaaS software STATCONTROL Cloud in conjunction with a counting app ensured greatly reduced warehouse closing times at Centrotherm.

Centrotherm Systemtechnik GmbH from Brilon develops, manufactures and sells innovative plastic and gas flue systems for condensing boiler technology, among other things. The product range also includes solutions and products for the ventilation and automotive industries. The company is represented by sister companies and subsidiaries in all core EU countries as well as in the USA and China. Around 230 employees work at the headquarters in Brilon. Centrotherm had already been using a sample stocktaking system in the main warehouse for several years, but still had to close the warehouse for four days every time a stocktaking was carried out.

Einblick in ein Lager bei CentrothermThe aim was to expand this procedure based on the positive experience with sample stocktaking in one part of the warehouse - also in a new warehouse building. Centrotherm turned to REMIRA because the company was already familiar with their contact person from previous projects. The optimization potential of the stocktaking was then worked out in a joint workshop and an implementation strategy was developed. "We also put all warehouse areas and their stocktaking to the test in Brilon. In addition to the new STATCONTROL Cloud, we were also introduced to the corresponding counting app. The subsequent test inventories produced very good results, which is why we then decided to use STATCONTROL Cloud and based our stocktaking concept on this and the newly developed counting app," recalls Dr. Raino Rieseler, Managing Director of Centrotherm. His colleague, Frank Engelbracht, Head of Finance, adds:

"To give us an overview, we had written to several service providers. Right from the start, the information we received and the coordination with REMIRA were very professional. As a result, it very quickly became clear that we would continue with REMIRA."


1% counting effort in the new narrow-aisle warehouse

Just two months after the test inventory, the live stocktaking started in Brilon in December. A total of three warehouses were inventoried using the REMIRA SaaS solution and the counting app on tablets. Despite the previous sample stocktaking in the main warehouse, the workload has now been reduced by a further 90%. One of the warehouses counted with STATCONTROL Cloud, a narrow-aisle warehouse, had only recently been completed. Out of 3,225 items, only 39 samples determined by the software had to be counted - this corresponds to only around one percent of the counting effort. For Centrotherm, the switch to STATCONTROL Cloud was an enormous relief. Very high production requirements demanded maximum utilization of the machines - closing the warehouse for four days to take inventory was therefore a huge setback. In addition, many employees were involved in the counting process and were absent from production. Rieseler:

"Through discussions with REMIRA, we realized that there was still room for improvement. We looked at all the warehouse parts and considered which processes we could best apply to which warehouse parts in order to reduce production downtime. In the end, we now have around one day of production downtime - we have basically exceeded our target."


Mobile counting app and cloud solution for fast stocktaking

REMIRA's SaaS solution requires neither implementation nor consulting, but in individual cases it can be used to identify further potential - as in the case of Centrotherm.

STATCONTROL Cloud auf einem Laptop bei Centrotherm Thanks to the initial self-registration and setup of the necessary users, the system is basically ready to go in just ten minutes. The user is then guided step by step through the intuitive application. In conjunction with the counting app, counting is carried out directly on mobile devices, which further reduces the time required and the error rate. Frank Engelbracht also found the flexibility of the new solution and the various inventory procedures to be major plus points: For example, a high-count method was used in the main warehouse and a sequential test was carried out in the new semi-automatic warehouse. Frank Engelbracht:

"In addition, we were able to avoid a lot of the paperwork by using the counting app. It has also enabled us to reduce the input of counting lists to a minimum. In the past, two employees were required to enter counting lists for each shift. This will no longer be necessary in future, as everything will be handled via the existing interfaces."


He also praised the intuitive user guidance in the STATCONTROL Cloud and the counting app as well as the free parameterization of the setting options. Centrotherm always had an overview of all important information as well as the current status, deviations etc. during the entire inventory. It was also easy to initiate recounts in the event of any deviations using the counting app.

"Do we even have to count anything else?"

This question was asked during the stocktaking pricess and the answer was: "No." Due to the innovations and changes, Centrotherm had - in hindsight - scheduled too many employees for the inventory to be on the safe side. In the end, the stocktaking was completed by one shift and the newly added employees were 'unemployed' with regard to the counting process.

"We found the collaboration with REMIRA to be very professional, collegial and pleasant.We will also be using the STATCONTROL Cloud sample stocktaking software next winter - but we will be able to schedule significantly fewer employees and reduce the shifts from eight to six hours, which will have a positive effect on both counting quality and concentration",

Frank Engelbracht is certain. The first workshops for extensions have already been requested and the employees are also much more relaxed about the next stocktake than before. A colleague from Centrotherm summarized the experience with STATCONTROL Cloud as follows:

"Best stocktaking ever!"


   Interested in sample stocktaking?