
NEW: Inventory guide now available for free

Easy Stocktaking: Legally permissible alternatives to the full stock taking method 

Learn more about inventory simplification methods and how you can save up to 95% counting effort. REMIRA's free white paper shows you the different variants of inventory simplification and answers all resulting questions in a clear and compact way.

Request the white paper "Easy Inventory" for free!

In the free whitepaper you will receive...

  • an overview of all legally permitted inventory types,
  • practical assistance for carrying out and simplifying the inventory,
  • a checklist with tips for simplifying inventory,
  • a practical application example.

How can I simplify my inventory? 

The annual inventory costs time, money and nerves. In the worst case, it leads to warehouse closures or production stops. However, the full inventory has long since ceased to be the only way of taking stock. With the new white paper, REMIRA provides a guide that compares all inventory types and shows and evaluates the possibilities for inventory simplification.

Not only does this you a lot of time, but also manpower that can be used elsewhere to add value.

What types of stocktaking exist?

What are the problems in stock-taking and how can I solve them?

What are the options for simpli-fying the stock taking process?

How can I handle the stocktaking in a resource-saving way?